Product Details
+Canadian Maple Fairview Flame
A variety of the Canadian or red maple, Acer rubrum Fairview Flame is a tall, deciduous tree with deep green, five-lobed leaves turning scarlet to give outstanding autumn colour. Small clusters of red flowers on the bare branches in spring turn to red ‘keys’ in autumn; the young twigs are also intensely red. Needs acid soil to thrive and colour well. A vigorous tree with a particularly handsome, conical habit and beautiful structure, it makes an excellent and colourful specimen tree. Very cold hardy, it’s a good choice for colder areas.
Site: Semi-sheltered
Soil: Any reasonably deep soil, even water-logged; preferably acid to neutral
Position: Full sun or partial shade
Season of Interest: Spring, summer, autumn
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height: Over 27-33’ (8-10m) in 20 years Spread: Over 27’ (8m)